Posted by James and Partners on May 16, 2013
James &Partners Law Offices provides wide ranges of corporate services for Thai and foreign clients such as Limited Company Registration, company’s name reservation include select business entities, Memorandum Registration, Joining as a Company Promoter, one day registration, company promoter, company director, power of director, 25 % paid-up, Drafting Article of association, TAX &VAT registration for company, requiring for any business license(FBC,FBL ), dissolution, M&A. furthermore, we also assisted our client in drafting reviewing any types of agreements, and draft relevant legal opinion for our client. Guideline for setting Limited Company in Thailand by James and Partners Law Offices Steps for limited company registration under the Laws of Thailand 1. Corporate Name Reservation The reserved name must not be repeatable or similar to name of other registered companies, which approved by the Commercial Registration Department at the Ministry of Commerce (“MOC”) before. After that, the approved corporate name must be registered within 30 days. Note: Company name reservation must be done via Department of Business Development (“DBD”) website only the process should not spend time more than 30 minutes 2. Memorandum Registration...
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